mardi 6 août 2013

Essential Information On Zerona Arlington TX Residents Need To Know

By Cathy Mercer

Zerona is a new non-invasive laser procedure performed to slim the body by getting rid of localized fat. It is preferred to invasive surgery since patients are able to resume their normal activities without facing any restrictions from pain, wounds or surgery. It uses cold-laser technology which encourages fat cells to release the any fatty tissues they contain. The fats are disposed of naturally without causing any complications. To benefit from zerona Arlington TX residents are encouraged to follow the specified recommendations.

This technology has been under scrutiny with critics claiming that it does not deliver effective results. It is common for such procedures to attract criticism. There are two main reasons why this criticism is understandable. First, the varied nature of human bodies causes different individuals to obtain different results. Secondly, many facilities perform this procedure on patients without checking whether they are ideal candidates. The results obtained can therefore not be generalized.

It is one of the most effective and safest non-invasive treatments for body contouring on the market today. There are no risks such as injuries or cancer associated with it. The fat is absorbed and safely removed by the digestive and lymphatic systems. The fat cells are not damaged in any way during the process. Once they release the fatty tissue, they shrink in size and reduce the mass of the treated area.

This procedure is suitable for a large number of people. However, the individuals who are able to benefit more are those with realistic expectations. These include individuals with about ten to fifteen pounds they need to get rid of. It can be used to complement other weight loss techniques such as diet and exercise regimens. Medically obese individuals may not get the best results. Other individuals who are not recommended include pregnant mothers and those with pacemakers. Liver and kidney complications influence the effectiveness of the procedure.

The treatment is easy, carefree and painless and therefore no anesthesia is necessary. It does not cause any form of discomfort and patients are able to continue with their usual activities soon after the treatment. Each treatment session usually lasts for one hour. The recommended period for the treatment is two weeks with a total of six treatment sessions, three in each week. The laser has to be applied on the area with localized fat for almost twenty weeks.

Patients are highly encouraged to follow and commit to the specified treatment protocol. They are required to refrain from caffeine and alcohol. This is because these substances interfere with the removal of fats through the lymphatic system and may decrease the results obtained. Patients are required to drink plenty of water to assist in flushing the fat. They are also required to refrain from fatty foods and engage in regular physical exercises.

Different patients report different results. Generally, after weight loss, patients feel better about themselves which improves their self-esteem. An improved emotional health helps to reduce cases of pains, aches, headaches and other ailments.

There are a number of benefits zerona Arlington TX residents should know. By lowering the level of cholesterol in the body, chances of suffering from heart attack or atherosclerosis are reduced. It also lowers the risk of suffering from heart disease, diabetes and any hormonal problems.

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