jeudi 23 mai 2013

Those With Fame & the Potential in Farming Organic Vegetables

By Rob Sutter

I am all in favor of farming organic vegetables because I find that there is a high level of work seen as well. The efforts that people put the best effort in are those who are going to reap the benefits of nature, as I am sure just about anyone can conclude. However, is it easier for some people than it is for others? It seems like a select few people in the public eye have tried their hand at it and it's possible that there are going to be varying levels of success, too.

It wasn't long ago that I decided to go to such a market and I can tell you that the experience had was a great one. I learned a great deal about the crops which you most likely won't be able to find elsewhere unless you grew them yourself. The people who worked there were very knowledgeable in terms of the vegetables grown, what was in season, and what have you. I think these aspects made me want to support the workers that much more.

Prince Charles of Wales wanted to bring about a market in order to see a litany of products. Farming organic vegetables would be the name of the game, of course, and I thought that it would have been a success on a local level. It wasn't meant to be, though, as such aspects as falling trade and increasing prices played their parts in putting an end to such an endeavor. These aspects are able to keep networks such as Colle Farmers Market afloat but they are attended to in better ways.

In the news, another name in the public eye decided to try her hand at this endeavor. Oprah, who just about everyone - in America and abroad - knows of, decided that she would get into the organic farming business, too. It's clear that she has the potential to do so and it can be especially seen in the resources because of her Maui-based farm as well as the copyrights she set in place. I am sure that many people will follow the news about this as matters develop.

Oprah does stand a great chance of making her endeavor of farming organic vegetables a success but I know that there are mistakes worth looking out for. Not only do these include the ones made by Charles in the past but what about those done by those who wanted to make farming their living? They had to trip a time or two before they were eventually able to run with it. It's apparent that the work seen is far greater than many people give it credit for.

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